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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Need help? Take a look at some of our most Frequently Asked Questions.

What do I wear to KMS?

You can wear whatever clothes you are comfortable in. We do ask however, that anything you wear is not offensive, for example, no t-shirts with discriminatory slogans/pictures etc on. Please don’t wear any clothing that reveals too many body parts! We also recommend that you dress appropriately for the weather and for activities. PPE will be provided for messy indoor activities such as cooking etc. We cannot be held responsible for damage to clothing or footwear if you choose not to use it.

How often do I attend KMS?

Your course will be 5 days a week, but we will let you know what hours they will be before you start. 

Do I get a break when I’m at KMS?

You will attend KMS 3 hours daily and have a break for 10 minutes every hour, on the hour. You can either stay in the building or go offsite but we ask that you stick to the 10 minutes and return punctually please. 

Can I smoke at KMS?

Smoking cigarettes (including e-cigarettes/vapes) is not permitted anywhere in the KMS building or within the LEAD Centre. KMS promote a healthy lifestyle for all our students. If you are a smoker however and are unable to go without a cigarette for the 3 hours you are with us, there is a smoking area outside the main gates, and an ashtray is provided. Please use this area responsibly and dispose of all cigarettes in the correct manner in the ashtray provided.

Can I have a drink in class?

KMS encourage all students to drink sufficient amounts of water; water bottles are therefore permitted in classrooms, but no other drinks. Students are asked to ensure they have their water with them or use their breaks for this, so they don’t need to leave the classroom for a drink. 

We ask that you don't drink energy drinks before or during the course. This is because energy drinks give most people an energy boost, followed by a slump which can lead to mood swings, and this can negatively affect behaviour. It has been proven that energy drinks can negatively affect your learning.  

Behaviour at KMS?

KMS aim to prepare you for the world of work. There is an expectation therefore that you will behave sensibly and appropriately. Damage to property is unacceptable as is physical or verbal abuse to other students and KMS staff and will be dealt with accordingly.  Any damage to property will be expected to be paid for and may involve the Police. Please remember when you are outside the KMS building on trips etc, you are representing KMS.

Travelling to KMS?

If you need to get the bus or train to get to KMS, just keep your tickets and hand them in when you arrive. We will reimburse you at break time. We have our own minibus so we will take you to and from offsite activities, or for local activities, you can choose to meet us there.

Can I use my phone at KMS?

All students are asked to keep phones in bags or coats and not to use their phones during lesson times, on any occasion. Doing so can disrupt other students and interfere with your own learning. If you are expecting an urgent call, please give them the KMS telephone number and a member of staff will come and find you if you receive a call. Persistent misuse of phones at KMS may result in you being asked to leave the phone in the office on arrival. You may use your phones during break times, but we cannot allow you to charge it. Please take responsibility for ensuring your battery is fully charged before you come to KMS, especially if you travel independently. 

Please do not take photos of other students at KMS without their permission nor circulate them on social media.

Can I leave the classroom if I need to?

At KMS we actively promote ‘time out’ and ‘learning breaks’. If you are feeling particularly anxious or stressed for whatever reason, we encourage you to leave the classroom quietly and responsibly and either access the ‘time out’ room or take some fresh air outside. We do not encourage you to stay out of the classroom for longer than 10 minutes and a member of staff will be available to come and find you to check you are ok. It is fine to be left alone if you need to calm down, but you are our responsibility whilst with us and we need to know you are safe.

Is there anyone to talk to at KMS if I am struggling or have a problem?

KMS have a high staff to student ratio and there is always someone available to chat to on site including KMS mentors. We do not encourage this during lesson times however and can arrange to check in with you when you arrive, during break times or at the end of your session.

If you can't find the answer to your question and still need help? Contact Us.